Sandra Butvilofsky, Ph.D.
Sandra Butvilofsky, Ph.D., Biliteracy Instructional Coach at Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer, Boulder Valley School District received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Equity and Cultural Diversity at the University of Colorado Boulder with a specialization in biliteracy. Her work in Literacy Squared involved assisting in program development, conducting research, and providing professional development to bilingual teachers and administrators. Dr. Butvilofsky has also been the Deputy Director of the BUENO Center, Assistant Research Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Associate Professor at the University of Texas at El Paso. Her research interests include examining the biliterate writing and reading development of Latinx bilingual learners from preschool through fifth grade to demonstrate the potential of bilingual/biliteracy education. Her work has been published in peer reviewed journals and edited books. She is co-author of the book Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared in Action. Her elementary teaching experience includes 5 years as a bilingual classroom teacher and 5 years as a trained Descubriendo la Lectura®/Reading Recovery® teacher.