An Executive Function Curriculum to Support Flexibility, Planning, and Organization
Unstuck and On Target! Ages 14-22

Do you work with teens and young adults who struggle with executive function? This new Unstuck and On Target! curriculum will help them build the executive function skills they need to succeed in high school and make a smooth transition to postsecondary education and adult life.

Contains Companion Materials
Coming Soon!$69.95
57297 978-1-68125-729-7
Not Yet Published

Do you work with teens and young adults who struggle with executive function? This new Unstuck and On Target! curriculum will help them build the executive function skills they need to succeed in high school and make a smooth transition to postsecondary education and adult life.

The latest addition to the popular, evidence-based Unstuck and On Target!, this curriculum includes 25 lessons on topics that are key to success in school and life: thinking flexibly, setting goals, making a plan, managing time, working with others, engaging in self-advocacy, and more.

Taught in small groups or whole classes in any setting, these weekly lessons include catchy scripts, memorable visuals, engaging role-plays, and motivation and reminder strategies to help teens and young adults learn critical skills. Lessons and scripts build on each other, and students get many opportunities to practice and generalize their new skills to school, home, and community settings.

With this proven, highly effective approach to executive function intervention, students will develop the skills they need to navigate high school and enjoy a successful, self-determined adult life.

Unstuck and On Target! Benefits:

  • Explicitly designed for teens and young adults. Developed with the input of students in the 14–22 age range, this version of Unstuck addresses the more complex executive function demands students experience as they approach adulthood.
  • Helpful for a wide range of students. This curriculum is designed for anyone struggling with executive functions, including students who are on the autism spectrum or have ADHD.
  • Meets the needs of MTSS Tier 2 learners. This curriculum is one of the few tailored to the needs of Tier 2 students who need more focused instruction.
  • Engaging and easy to implement. You’ll get explicit, step-by-step routines, scripts, and age-appropriate activities that keep students engaged as they learn.
  • Ideal for in-person and virtual settings: Includes digital posters, PowerPoint presentations, home extension activities, and digital student and parent workbooks.

About the Authors





Foundations of Unstuck and On Target!

What are Executive Functions?

Basic Steps for Getting Started

Support Students for Success

Components of the Unstuck Curriculum

Key Techniques for Teaching Unstuck Lessons

Does Unstuck and On Target! Work?


Unit 1: Understanding Your Thinking Style and Getting What You Need

Lesson 1: Flexible Thinking Gets You More Power

Lesson 2: Why Unstuck Works—Understanding Executive Functions

Lesson 3: Self-Advocacy—Getting What You Need to Reach Your Goals

Lesson 4: Managing the Mismatch

Lesson 5: Neurodiversity Makes the World Better


Unit 2: Tools to Keep You On Target

Lesson 6: Why Set Goals: Big Picture Goals

Lesson 7: Life Pie—Time Management

Lesson 8: Flexible Thoughts

Lesson 9: Flexible Feelings

Lesson 10: Getting Stuff Done—How to Be More Motivated

Lesson 11: Getting Stuff Done—How to Be More Motivated and Make Your Own Plans

Lesson 12: Helping Future You Remember What You Have to Do


Unit 3: Tools for Working With Others

Lesson 13: How to Compromise

Lesson 14: When to Compromise

Lesson 15: Relationship Builders


Units 4 and 5: Planning Your Goal and Putting Your Plan Into Action

Lesson 16: Setting Your Own Goals

Lesson 17: How to Plan—Seeing the Big Picture and Important Details

Lesson 18: Recognizing Planning Dangers

Lesson 19: Making Your Plan A & Trying it Out

Lesson 20: Celebration! Checking Plan A and Making Plan B

Lesson 21: Checking Plan B and Making Plan C

Lesson 22: Checking Plan C and Making Plan D

Unit 6: Celebrating Your Learning

Lesson 23: Planning Your Graduation Celebration

Lesson 24: Planning Your Graduation Presentation

Lesson 25: Graduation





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