The Capute Scales Set
Early Childhood
Developed by Arnold J. Capute, the founding father of neurodevelopmental pediatrics, The Capute Scales is a norm-referenced, 100-item screening and assessment tool that helps experienced practitioners identify developmental delays in children from 1–36 months of age.
Carrying bag
68165 978-1-55766-816-5
Low Inventory

Created for use in clinical settings, The Capute Scales are effective both as a screener for general practitioners and as an assessment tool for specialists such as developmental pediatricians, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists. With its high correlation with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, this standardized instrument will assist clinicians in making developmental diagnoses, counseling families, and guiding them to appropriate intervention services.

The complete system includes:

  • Cognitive Adaptive Test (CAT), 58 items focused on visual-motor functioning
  • Clinical Linguistic and Auditory Milestone Scales (CLAMS), 42 items focused on expressive and receptive language development
  • 4-page scoring sheets
  • Manual with an explanation of the scales' development, guidelines on administration and scoring, an overview of clinical and research use, and information on standardization of the scales and their use in other languages
  • Test Kit, packed in a tote bag, with the standardized materials required to conduct the assessment

Available in other languages! Spanish and Russian translations of The Capute Scales are included in the manual, and work on other translations is ongoing.

Developed by Arnold J. Capute, the founding father of neurodevelopmental pediatrics, this reliable, easy-to-administer tool was tested and refined at the Kennedy Krieger Institute for more than 30 years.

Learn more about The Capute Scales.


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Paul Lipkin, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine - June 8, 2006
"I've been using this unique tool for many years! It offers the clinician a broader view of the neurologic development of children in a quick and easy administration format, making it well suited to the clinical setting."
Claudine Amiel-Tison, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Paris - June 8, 2006
"A great assessment tool. . . . Pediatricians will rapidly understand how much they learn about child development."
Isabelle Rapin, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - June 8, 2006
"Great advantages of The Capute Scales are that they are quick and cheap because they require limited training and can be given reliably by a variety of clinicians. . . . I foresee their increasing use in infant and toddler research."