Nickola Wolf Nelson, Professor emerita, Western Michigan University; Editor-in-Chief, Topics in Language Disorders - June 16, 2017
"Great authors, solid scholarship. Story Friends is a wonderful evidence-based resource for helping young children learn new concepts through literacy while learning how to use literacy to learn!"
Timothy Shanahan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago - April 27, 2016
"There are two intersected paths one must travel to prevent reading disability: one to the alphabetic code and the other to language learning. Story Friends will help children along the language-learning path—charmingly, in a way both consistent with research and appealing to young children."
Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, Principal Research Project Manager, Educational Testing Service Early Childhood Research and Assessment Center - April 27, 2016
"Story Friends provides individual instruction in key areas of early literacy that impact future reading comprehension. Using Story Friends can assist young children, particularly those identified as needing supplementary help, develop a broader vocabulary and acquire tools to help them gain further understandings."