An Early Literacy Intervention for Improving Oral Language
Story Friends™ Specialist’s Kit
Early Childhood, K-12

Ideal for SLPs and reading specialists, this convenient kit contains everything you need to implement the Story Friends™ early language and literacy intervention with one child.

51301 978-1-68125-130-1
2016 1044
Available Stock
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Ideal for SLPs and reading specialists, this convenient kit contains everything you need to implement the Story Friends™ early language and literacy intervention with one child.

Fun, engaging, and effective, Story Friends is a language intervention program for 4- to 6-year-old children at risk for reading difficulties. Through 26 interactive animal-themed storybooks and lively, engaging audio recordings, Story Friends effectively improves oral language and vocabulary development—two of the most important predictors of later reading success. With colorful illustrations, rhyming text, interactive story components, and appealing narration from Wanda the Word Wolf, children strengthen other important skills, such as solving problems, empathizing, working together, and making friends with others who are different. And because Story Friends is a natural fit with any existing classroom schedule or curriculum, it's easier than ever to deliver interventions when they matter most and get all young children ready to read and succeed.

Packed in a sturdy box with a handle for easy carrying, this kit contains:

1 Teacher Guide with complete guidance on implementing the program
1 set of 26 full-color, animal-themed storybooks
1 USB with the audio tracks that accompany each storybook (252 minutes of instruction)
1 set of 18 shrink-wrapped picture cards for assessing children's acquisition of words

*Note: If you're using Story Friends for small-group intervention, you'll need extra sets of storybooks to conduct the program with multiple children at once. Purchase the Story Friends Classroom Kit for everything you need to use Story Friends in small groups.

Learn more about the Story Friends program.

Learn more about the complete Multitiered Interventions for Language & Literacy in Early Childhood (MILLIE™) product suite.


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Nickola Wolf Nelson, Professor emerita, Western Michigan University; Editor-in-Chief, Topics in Language Disorders - June 16, 2017
"Great authors, solid scholarship. Story Friends is a wonderful evidence-based resource for helping young children learn new concepts through literacy while learning how to use literacy to learn!"
Timothy Shanahan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago - April 27, 2016
"There are two intersected paths one must travel to prevent reading disability: one to the alphabetic code and the other to language learning. Story Friends will help children along the language-learning path—charmingly, in a way both consistent with research and appealing to young children."
Andrea DeBruin-Parecki, Principal Research Project Manager, Educational Testing Service Early Childhood Research and Assessment Center - April 27, 2016
"Story Friends provides individual instruction in key areas of early literacy that impact future reading comprehension. Using Story Friends can assist young children, particularly those identified as needing supplementary help, develop a broader vocabulary and acquire tools to help them gain further understandings."