About the Authors
About the Contributors
Sam Odom, Karen Diamond, and Marci Hanson
I. Laying the Foundation
1. Introduction
Eva Horn, Susan Palmer, Gretchen Butera, and Joan Lieber
2. The CSS+ Curriculum Planning Framework
Eva Horn, Susan Palmer, Gretchen Butera, and Joan Lieber
3. Foundations of Components of Challenging Curriculum
Joan Lieber, Amber Friesen, Susan Palmer, Debra Drang, Alina Mihai, Jill Clay, and Potheini Vaiouli
Appendix 3A: Curriculum Content Checklist
4. Integration of Challenging Curriculum Content
Eva Horn, Joan Lieber, Gretchen Butera, Jean Kang, and Susan Palmer
Appendix 4A: Example Activity Set, Theme-All About Me
Appendix 4B: Small and Large Group Activity Plan Form
Appendix 4C: Literacy Activity Plan Form
5. Foundations of Universal Design for Learning
Eva Horn, Jean Kang, Audra Classen, and Susan Palmer
Appendix 5A: UDL Guiding Questions
6. Foundations of Differentiation and Individualization
Eva Horn, Jean Kang, Audra Classen, and Joan Lieber
Appendix 6A: Matrix Development Checklist
Appendix 6B: ELO Activity Matrix
Appendix 6C: ELO At-A-Glance Form
7. Components of Progress Monitoring
Susan Palmer, Gretchen Butera, Amber Friesen, and Jill Clay
Appendix 7A: Decision-Making Checklist for Class-wide Progress
Appendix 7B: Goal Attainment Scaling Form
II. Implementation: Key Elements for Supporting Childrens’ School Success
8. Organization of the Learning Environment
Joan Lieber, Eva Horn, Debra Dang, and Gretchen Butera
Appendix 8A: Example Activity Set, Theme-Let’s Explore Our World
9. Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Susan Palmer, Gretchen Butera, Audra Classen, and Jean Kang
10. Adults Working and Playing Well Together
Gretchen Butera, Amber Friesen, Eva Horn, Susan Palmer, and Potheini Vaiouli
Appendix 10A: Collaboration Planning Form
Appendix 10B: Improvement and Action Planning Form
11. Connecting with Families to Support Children’s School Success
Gretchen Butera, Amber Friesen, Alina Mihai, Potheini Vaiouli, and Jill Clay
12. Summing it UpThe CSS+ Curriculum Framework
Gretchen Butera, Eva Horn, Susan Palmer, and Joan Lieber