: Inetellectual and Developmental Disabilities - February 1, 2010
"If used well, this work has the potential to change the face of adult support in inclusive education today."
: Education Reviews - August 1, 2009
"Fills the gap as far as peer support mechanisms are concerned and provides hands on techniques for a teacher or administrator seeking to implement inclusive policies in the here and now."
: The Midwest Book Review - May 1, 2009
"A recommended read especially for school administrators."
Michael F. Giangreco, University of Vermont - November 5, 2008
"Convey[s] a hopeful perspective and genuine excitement about our opportunities to improve the quality of life for students with disabilities."
Martin Agran, University of Wyoming - November 5, 2008
"Soundly based on research, the book provides practical recommendations and presents clear demonstrations on how peers can serve as an invaluable support in general education."
Susan R. Copeland, University of New Mexico - November 5, 2008
"An exciting and practical book! A 'must-have' for middle and high school educators wanting to enhance their students' learning outcomes."
June E. Downing, Professor Emeritus from California State University, Northridge - November 5, 2008
"A very practical how-to guide . . . truly comprehensive and well researched."
Marti Snell, Professor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville - November 5, 2008
"A tested road map for getting to peer support in real schools. This book is a winner!"
Nitasha M. Clark, Instructor, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque - November 5, 2008
"Bridge[s] research and practice by outlining the practical, step-by-step strategies for establishing Peer Support arrangements in inclusive settings."