A Guide for General and Special Educators
How to Co-Teach
Complete with a DVD on effective co-teaching and a helpful Reader's Guide, this practical introductory guidebook shows special and general educators how to build strong, respectful, and productive partnerships and ensure the best outcomes for all K-12 students.
Paperback w/DVD
71691 978-1-59857-169-1
2011 224
Available Stock
What does good co-teaching look like in an inclusive classroom, and how can a general and special educator build a strong, respectful, and productive partnership? Find out in this introductory how-to guide, ideal for helping current and future co-teachers minimize conflict, maximize teamwork, and ensure the best outcomes for all students in Grades K–12.

Perfect for use in professional development and university courses, How to Co-Teach directly addresses the five principles of developing an effective teaching partnership: respecting perspectives, practicing communication, focusing on classroom teaching, building student success, and improving and reflecting on relationships. More comprehensive and practical than other co-teaching guides, this book

  • reinforces key points with DVD clips. Learn invaluable lessons from real-life co-teachers and administrators as they reflect on what worked and didn't work in their classrooms. An engaging sample lesson shows effective co-teaching in action, and the DVD Guide gives teachers challenging questions to spark productive discussion.
  • addresses both teachers in the partnership. Special and general educators will get insights and guidance tailored to their specific roles, and they'll discover how their strengths can combine to ensure positive student experiences and outcomes.
  • tackles the day-to-day challenges every co-teacher faces, from conflict resolution to time management.
  • has the practical materials educators need. Co-teaching is easier with the included forms and tools, including a planning checklist, problem-solving worksheet, lesson plan organizer, co-teaching self-assessment, and sample instruction schedules.
  • spans K–12, with in-depth, age-appropriate guidelines for co-teaching at different grade levels.
Teachers will also get a helpful Reader's Guide, perfect for either group study or individual use. This chapter-by-chapter guide gives teachers Thought Questions that help them brainstorm ways to put key ideas to work in their own classrooms, plus Practice activities that outline ready-to-use implementation strategies.

Whether educators are just starting their co-teaching adventure or looking for ways to strengthen an existing partnership, they'll use this essential how-to guidebook to reach their ultimate goal: success for all students.

Co-teachers: get practical help with

  • resolving conflict
  • improving communication
  • dividing responsibilities
  • planning lessons
  • managing time
  • implementing accommodations and modifications
  • setting up the classroom
  • assessing the success of co-teaching
  • holding joint conferences with parents
  • getting support from administrators
  • and more!
About the Forms on the Accompanying DVD
About the Authors
Kimberly McDuffie-Landrum


Section I: Respect Perspectives

Chapter 1: The Basics of Co-Teaching
Chapter 2: What Each Teacher Brings
Chapter 3: Becoming Co-Teachers

Section II: Practice Communication

Chapter 4: General Communication Advice
Chapter 5: The Ideal versus the Reality
Chapter 6: Co-Teachers: Beginning the Conversation

Section III: Focus on Classroom Teaching

Chapter 7: Assessment to Guide Instruction and Grading
Chapter 8: Accommodations and Modifications

Section IV: Build Student Success

Chapter 9: Let's Teach!
Chapter 10: Instruction in Elementary Classrooms
Chapter 11: Instruction in Middle and High School

Section V: Improve and Reflect on Relationships

Chapter 12: How Are We Doing?
Chapter 13: Working with Others in the School
Chapter 14: Working with Parents


Appendix A: Readers Guide: How to Co-Teach: A Guide for General and Special Educators

Appendix B: DVD Guide



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: Book News, Inc. - February 6, 2012
"Provide[s] a firm foundation in the theory and rationale supporting the general educator/special educator co-teaching instructional delivery model for inclusive K–12 classrooms, practical strategies for understanding those concepts, and application guidelines for the classroom setting"
: The Midwest Book Review - Library Bookwatch - November 1, 2011
"Should be considered mandatory reading by classroom teachers at all grade levels."
Ann Nevin, Professor Emerita, Arizona State University - May 27, 2011
"A welcome addition to my growing library on co-teaching. This book adds an important dimension to the co-teaching literature, which now enjoys an increased research base as a viable method to meet the demands for high-quality teachers and the need to adjust instruction to match the needs of individual learners."
Jacqueline Thousand, Professor and Coordinator of Special Education Credential and Master's Options, California State University-San Marcos - May 27, 2011
"A fine book on how to effectively teach, create a collaborative and caring classroom climate, and communicate with other professionals and parents. What a great resource for any educator working to differentiate instruction."