Lessons Learned from Project SEARCH®
High School Transition that Works
Apply key principles and strategies from the highly successful Project SEARCH® model—and help young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities get, keep, and succeed at a fulfilling job of their choice.
72490 978-1-59857-249-0
2012 264
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What lessons can your program learn from the highly successful Project SEARCH® model—and how can you apply these strategies to improve training and employment opportunities for students with disabilities? Find out in this accessible guidebook, your key to using principles of one of today's most effective transition models to help young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities get, keep, and succeed at a fulfilling job of their choice.

For more than 15 years, thousands of young adults have benefited from Project SEARCH: the business-led internship program that prepares students with disabilities for competitive, integrated employment. This is the only book that distills the program's secrets to success, giving counselors, educators, transition coordinators, and other professionals practical guidance straight from the founders of Project SEARCH. You'll discover a fresh approach to

  • teaching competitive, marketable, transferable skills in real work settings
  • promoting effective collaboration among businesses, transition teams, and young people and families
  • breaking down obstacles to meaningful employment for people with disabilities
  • help students master the subtleties of appropriate workplace conduct, a major key to job retention
  • support parents in preparing their child for success in transition programs and employment
  • develop customized follow-along services so the student can retain employment and advance further
  • avoid gaps in service as young people transition out of school

Filled with invaluable tips and strategies, case studies, and practical materials to help you apply principles of the Project SEARCH model, this book will inspire higher expectations for young people with disabilities and vibrant new ideas about systems change. A must for all transition teams as they work to advance competitive employment and richer lives for all people with intellectual disabilities.

With practical materials such as:

  • Student Selection Rubric Guide
  • Social skills activities
  • Lesson Plan for Choosing Internships
  • Task breakdowns from sample Project SEARCH sites
  • Internship Evaluation
  • Agreement of Roles and Responsibilities document
  • HIPAA training presentation

*To ensure model fidelity and quality, Project SEARCH® requires that you secure individualized technical assistance and a licensing agreement to establish an official program site. Learn more at http://projectsearch.us.
About the Authors
Foreword by Paul Wehman

  1. Obstacles to Meaningful Employment for People with Disabilities
  2. The Project SEARCH Model: A Business-Driven Approach
  3. The Project SEARCH High School Transition Program
  4. Designing Effective Internships
  5. Project SEARCH is a Collaborative Model
  6. Expanding Horizons: Early Life Experiences that Promote Employability
  7. Complex and Systematic Jobs
  8. Job Retention and Career Advancement
  9. Workplace Conduct: Project SEARCH as a Real-Life Learning Lab
  10. Adapting the Project SEARCH Model to Different Environments
  11. Where Do We Go from Here?

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: The Midwest Book Review - September 1, 2012
“A must for education collections focusing on special education.”
Margo Izzo, Ohio State University Nisonger Center - April 16, 2012
“An evidence-based resource for schools who want to increase employment outcomes for youth with disabilities. -Margo Vreeburg Izzo, Professor, Ohio State University Nisonger Center.”
Rebecca Cook, National Center for Disability Education and Training - April 12, 2012
“The ultimate, fact-packed guide for those who want to know more about the highly successful Project SEARCH model and how to implement it . . . Like going to all the national Project SEARCH conferences, attending every session, and talking to every person—only each bit of information is available any time for a revisit.”
Erik Carter, Peabody College at Vanderbilt - April 12, 2012
“A compelling road map to meaningful work for youth with significant disabilities. The principles and practices that permeate the Project SEARCH model hold great promise for launching transition-age youth toward a meaningful career and hopeful future.”
Karen Lee, SEEC - April 12, 2012
“After reading this book, families, schools and community rehabilitations programs will know undoubtedly that a meaningful life full of career opportunities is possible for students with developmental disabilities.”
Jennifer McDonough, Virginia Project SEARCH - April 11, 2012
“I have been a huge fan of Project SEARCH for years and cannot wait for others to be able to read in detail why and how it works . . . Everything I have ever heard [the authors] talk about and believe is in this book.”
Teresa Grossi, Indiana University - April 10, 2012
“Project SEARCH brings all the best practices together that we know about Transition to Work in one model: Interagency collaboration between schools, adult providers, and business; an immersion in a business for work-based learning; systematic instruction and data collection; family involvement; and blended funding. Most importantly, meaningful employment outcomes.”