About the Online Materials
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Introduction to Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis
Chapter 2: Applying Ethics in Your Everyday Practice
Chapter 3: Introduction to the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts
Chapter 4: The Ethical Decision-Making Process
Ethical Workout 1: Process Example
Chapter 5: Responsibility as a Professional
Ethical Workout 2: Multiple Relationships
Chapter 6: Responsibility in Practice
Ethical Workout 3: Matching Services to Needs
Chapter 7: Responsibility to Clients and Stakeholders
Ethical Workout 4: Right versus Right Dilemma
Chapter 8: Responsibility to Supervisees and Trainees
Ethical Workout 5: Supervisor Responsibility
Chapter 9: Responsibility in Public Statements
Ethical Workout 6: Confidentiality
Chapter 10: Responsibility in Research
Ethical Workout 7: Research Responsibilities
Chapter 11: Putting It All Together
Appendix A: Historical Missteps
Appendix B: Ethical Decision-Making Worksheet
Appendix C: Implicit Association Test (IAT) for Disability and Race: Outcomes and Reflections