Joan Mele-McCarthy, Executive Director of the Summit School - July 15, 2019
I am very impressed with Essential Skills for Struggling Learners. When this book is published, I am seriously considering implementing a book study or a continuing education course for my staff. It will unite the knowledge base among my teachers, speech-pathologists, school psychologists, and administrators and will provide us with common language to use with parents.
Kathleen G. Winterman, Director, School of Education, College of Professional Sciences,Xavier University - July 12, 2019
Takes a strengths-based approach toward meeting the needs of struggling students...The authors’ suggestions are rooted in advocacy for the child’s future development
Paul Yellin, Director, The Yellin Center for Mind, Brain, and EducationAssociate Professor of Pediatrics - July 11, 2019
A well-written, well-researched, thoughtful, and valuable resource for those interested in truly understanding and addressing the needs of diverse learners…Anyone responsible for supporting struggling students will want to keep this rich resource close at hand.