Erna Alant, Professor and Otting Endowed Chair in Special Education, Indiana University - August 1, 2011
"Succeeds in integrating the how-to with research evidence in guiding its readers to more effective AAC intervention."
Pat Mirenda, Professor, Dept. of Educational & Counselling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada. - August 1, 2011
"Speech-language and special education professionals will find much to celebrate in this practical, data-based compendium of strategies and instructional techniques. The authors' lengthy experience in delivering AAC supports to individuals with severe disabilities is evident on every page!"
Janice Light, The Hintz Family Endowed Chair in Communication Sciences and Disorders Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Penn State University - August 1, 2011
"An excellent guide to help professionals overcome challenges and successfully support the communication of individuals with severe disabilities."
David Beukelman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln - August 1, 2011
"Scholarly, yet remarkably user-friendly . . . There is no better resource for guiding the design and delivery of AAC intervention for individuals with severe disabilities."
Jeff Sigafoos, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. - August 1, 2011
"Scholarly, yet remarkably user-friendly . . . There is no better resource for guiding the design and delivery of AAC intervention for individuals with severe disabilities."