Augmentative Communication Strategies for Adults with Acute or Chronic Medical Conditions
This practical guidebook and CD–ROM set gathers in one place everything professionals need to support and improve communication for adults with specific medical conditions. Includes expert guidance on providing effective AAC services for people with a range of disorders and illnesses, plus more than 160 pages of practical tools and forms on CD–ROM.
Paperback w/CD-ROM
68752 978-1-55766-875-2
2007 432
Available Stock

The most complete resource of its kind, this practical guidebook and CD–ROM set gathers in one place everything professionals need to support and improve communication for adults with specific medical conditions. A team of leading researchers and clinicians gives speech–language pathologists, physicians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and other health care professionals

  • Expert guidance on providing effective augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services for people with a range of disorders and illnesses, including brainstem impairments, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and dementia. Readers will get a full chapter of in–depth information on each condition and thorough guidance on meeting the specific communication needs of adults throughout the course of each disorder.

  • Assessment and intervention tools. The CD–ROM in the back of this book has more than 160 pages of supplementary material, including practical tools and forms. Professionals will get basic assessments to help them pinpoint the level of communication support a person needs, and they'll find a wide variety of interventions and supports to help adults communicate effectively.

An indispensable guide for every health care professional, this comprehensive resource will help readers make the best possible decisions about communication supports and improve the quality of life for adults with acute or chronic medical conditions.

Contents of the Accompanying CD-ROM
About the Editors

  1. An Introduction to AAC Services for Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions: Who, What, When, Where, and Why
    David R. Beukelman, Kathryn M. Yorkston, and Kathryn L. Garrett

  2. AAC in the Intensive Care Unit
    Kathryn L. Garrett, Mary Beth Happ, John M. Costello, and Melanie B. Fried-Oken

  3. Brainstem Impairment
    Delva Culp, David R. Beukelman, and Susan K. Fager

  4. Spinal Cord Injury
    Deanna Britton and Ross Baarslag-Benson

  5. Traumatic Brain Injury
    Susan K. Fager, Molly Doyle, and Renee Karantounis

  6. Severe Aphasia
    Joanne P. Lasker, Kathryn L. Garrett, and Lynn E. Fox

  7. Primary Progressive Aphasia
    Julia M. King, Nancy Alarcon, and Margaret A. Rogers

  8. Dementia
    Michelle S. Bourgeois and Ellen M. Hickey

  9. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
    Laura J. Ball, David R. Beukelman, and Lisa Bardach

  10. AAC Intervention for Progressive Conditions: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, and Huntington's Disease
    Kathryn M. Yorkston and David R. Beukelman

  11. AAC for People with Head and Neck Cancer
    Marsha D. Sullivan, Carol Gaebler, and Laura J. Bell

  12. AAC Decision-Making Teams: Achieving Change and Maintaining Social Support
    David R. Beukelman, Kathryn M. Yorkston, and Kathryn L. Garrett
Glossary of Terms


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: AAC-RERC online newsletter - May 1, 2010
: Doody's Reviews - February 29, 2008
A wonderful resourceā€¦.Provides a wealth of information for practitioners working with neurologically affected patients who have compromised verbal skills
: Rehab & Community Care Magazine - February 15, 2008
"In-depth informationā€¦[and] thorough guidance on meeting the specific needs of clients throughout the course of each disorder"
Sarah Blackstone, Augmentative Communication Inc. - April 9, 2007
"This book and CD take a giant step toward solving this problem by offering a plethora of tools and strategies that delineate 'how to' deliver AAC services to adults with acute or chronic medical conditions . . . Accolades to the editors, authors and publisher for providing this excellent resource."
Sarah Blackstone, President, Augmentative Communication, Inc.; Partner, Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Communication Enhancement (AAC-RERC) - February 28, 2007
"A host of practical clinical tools and strategies grounded in years of clinical experience and a comprehensive understanding of available research findings."
Filip Loncke, Assistant Professor, University of Virginia; Past President, International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication - February 16, 2007
"This unique book is the first to clearly connect information on acquired physical conditions with AAC solutions."
Joseph Duffy, Division Chair, Consultant in Speech Pathology, and Professor of Speech Pathology, Mayo Medical School, Rochester, MN - February 6, 2007
"Blends scholarship, available evidence, and clinical insight and experience in reader-friendly ways . . . a state of the art, clinically-oriented overview with a wealth of practical information."