ASQ®-3 Scoring & Referral (DVD)
Early Childhood
Score ASQ-3 and interpret the results accurately with this engaging and informative DVD. Viewers see a brief overview of the ASQ screening process and watch a home visitor guiding a mother as she fills out a questionnaire for an infant and tries the ASQ tasks with her child.
70250 978-1-59857-025-0
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Scoring ASQ®-3 and interpreting the results is easier with this updated training DVD, which shows professionals how to use the #1 screening system accurately and sensitively. Viewers first get a brief overview of the ASQ-3 questionnaires and the screening process. Then they'll watch a home visitor guiding a mother as she fills out a questionnaire for an infant and tries the ASQ-3 tasks with her child. Through footage of specific tasks and close-ups of sample questions and scores, ASQ-3 users will discover how to

  • use the revised third edition scoring sheets.
  • convert parent responses into point values.
  • compare the results with the cutoff scores.
  • use the ASQ-3 monitoring zone to determine if a child's progress should be monitored in one or more areas.
  • interpret parent responses on the Overall section of ASQ-3.
  • decide if a referral for further assessment is needed.

Ideal for early interventionists, home visitors, pediatricians, teachers, and other early childhood practitioners, this DVD is a critical professional development tool no ASQ-3 user should be without.

The Scoring and Referral DVD is part of ASQ-3, the bestselling screener trusted for more than 20 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. ASQ-3 questionnaires are reliable and valid, parent-completed, cost effective, recommended by top organizations, and easy to administer and score. The 21 age-appropriate questionnaires effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social.

Learn more about the complete ASQ-3 system, and discover ASQ®:SE-2, the screener that reliably identifies young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties.


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Virtual seminars for your organization from ASQ experts available at a variety of levels—introductory, comprehensive, and training of trainers. Combination ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 trainings and trainings in Spanish are also available.

Attend one of our virtual Institutes to take your ASQ knowledge to the next level. Training of Trainers and Comprehensive Institutes are offered multiple times a year.