Kathleen Vandenberg, Ph.D.
Kathleen A. VandenBerg, Ph.D., is a neonatal development specialist, consultant,
author, and trainer for professionals in the neonatal intensive
care unit (NICU) and in early intervention programs. She has provided individualized
family-centered developmental care for infants and families
in the NICU and in the home for more than 30 years.
Currently, she is Academic Administrator in the Department of
Pediatrics (Neonatology) at UCSF and Center Director of the West Coast
Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program
(NIDCAP) and Assessment of Preterm Infants’ Behavior (APIB) Training
Center, where she is a NIDCAP Master Trainer. She also provides training
in the Family Infant Relationship Support Training Program (FIRST).
Both programs provide support to professionals who care for high-risk
newborns who may have experienced altered brain pathway development
due to unexpected and overwhelming sensory input in the intensive care