Katy McCullough, M.A.

Katy McCullough, M.A.

Katy McCullough, M.A., is a Senior TA Specialist and Co‑PI/Associate Director of the national Early Childhood TA (ECTA) Center within the Trohanis Technical Assistance (TA) Projects at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at UNC Chapel Hill. Katy also serves as PI on two FPG subcontracts: the Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting (CIFR) and the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy). Katy leads the ECTA Web and Information Unit, providing oversight and direction to the center's product development and Web presence. She provides TA to IDEA Early Intervention/Part C and Preschool Special Education/Part B, Section 619 Coordinators and staff in states supporting system change on topics such as finance, early childhood inclusion and effective TA practices.