Sheri Berkeley, Ph.D.

Sheri Berkeley, Ph.D.

Sheri Berkeley, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Division of Special Education and disAbility Research, George Mason University

Prior to her current position, Dr. Berkeley was an assistant professor at the University of Georgia and served in a diverse public school district as a special education teacher working with high incidence populations, in both self-contained and inclusive settings, at preschool through secondary levels. Her professional efforts have aimed to improve reading outcomes for older students with learning disabilities in reading. In 2008, she received the Award for Outstanding Doctoral Level Research from the Division of Learning Disabilities in the Council for Exceptional Children for her dissertation research on reading comprehension strategy instruction for secondary students with learning disabilities. Her research has been published in numerous research journals including Exceptional Children, The Journal of Learning Disabilities, The Journal of Special Education, Learning Disability Quarterly, and Remedial and Special Education.