Kristen Mennona, LPC, BC-DM
Kristen Mennona is the founder of Nurture Family Counseling, LLC in Denver, Colorado. Her practice specializes in the treatment of pediatric eating disorders, OCD and anxiety within the context of the family. Kristen is a licensed professional counselor, a board-certified dance/movement therapist, a certified eating disorder specialist (CEDS), a registered yoga instructor (RYT 200) and a BTTI trained clinician for pediatric OCD. Kristen combines best clinical practices with ancient, embodied experiences for her clients. She believes in the inherent wisdom of the body to bring forth that which needs healing.
Kristen presents nationally on topic of body image acceptance and the integration of expressive arts. She enjoys teaching clinicians how to incorporate non-verbal methods to help clients tolerate body sensations (like anxiety). She hosts an Instagram account called, “THE_BODY_AS” to inspire more people to work on body image acceptance and to pass that acceptance on to the next generation.