Brenda M. Finucane, M.S.
Brenda M. Finucane, M.S., is a genetics counselor who serves as Director of Genetic Services at Elwyn Training and Research Institute, one of the United States' oldest multiservice agencies for people with mental retardation. She is the recipient of the 1994 Jane Engelberg Memorial Fellowship from the National Society of Genetics Counselors for her work with women with mental retardation; this work also resulted in her book, Working with Women with Mental Retardation (Elwyn Training and Research Institute, 1998). Ms. Finucane is also the author of What's So Special about Genetics? A Guide for Special Educators (Elwyn Training and Research Institute, 1996), and Fragile X Syndrome: A Handbook for Families and Professionals (National Fragile X Foundation, 1993) and the editor of several parent support group newsletters. She has thus led the way in promulgating etiology-based interventions to parents and educators.