Amy Miller, M.A., M.F.A., i-CALP
Amy Miller, M.A., M.F.A., i-CALP, is the founder and executive director of May Center for Learning, a nonprofit school and outreach center for students with learning differences. She frequently presents to educators, focusing on best practices for students with learning differences, the science of teaching structured reading and writing, and the importance of structuring the learning environment to improve executive functioning skills. Amy successfully advocated for SB 398, a New Mexico state law that mandates universal screening for characteristics of dyslexia and science-based reading instruction for all students. Founder of Dyslexia Justice League, a community organization that connects students with dyslexia with adult mentors, Amy is also the author of The Way I See It, a play and book that celebrates unique points of view, developed in collaboration with students at May Center. Where I Come From, a book that Amy co-authored with May Center students, won the 2014 New Mexico/Arizona Young Adult Book of the Year.