Christine Ong, Ph.D.
Christine Ong recently joined the University of California, Los Angeles’s National
Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing as a Senior
Researcher. Previously, Dr. Ong was a visiting researcher at the National Center
for Children in Poverty at Columbia University, participating in studies that examined
state-level professional development initiatives linked to quality improvement
rating systems as well as innovative early childhood mental health policies.
Dr. Ong also served as a Senior Research Analyst at First 5 LA—a child-advocacy
organization dedicated to improving the lives of young children and their families
in Los Angeles County. She was involved in several First 5 LA projects related
to early learning and assessment, including the Los Angeles Universal Preschool
Child Outcomes Studies and the evaluation of the Healthy Kids Initiative. While
completing a doctorate in Psychological Studies in Education at UCLA, she was
involved in numerous projects related to early language and literacy development
at the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Dr. Ong also was a Research Fellow at UCLA Seeds University Elementary School
and the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities.