Judge Cindy S. Lederman
Judge Cindy S. Lederman is a Circuit Court Judge in the State of Florida's Eleventh Judicial Circuit. Judge Lederman has served in the Miami-Dade Juvenile Court since 1994, including
10 years as the Court’s Presiding Judge. Elected to the Miami-Dade County Court in
1988, before her elevation to Circuit Court in 1994, she was a leader of the team that
created the Dade County Domestic Violence Court and served as that Court’s first
Presiding Judge. Judge Lederman’s interest in bringing science and research into the courtroom
results from her 10-year involvement with the National Research Council (NRC) and
Institute of Medicine (IOM) at the National Academy of Sciences. Judge Lederman
was a member of the NRC’s Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence
Interventions and panel on Juvenile Crime, Treatment, and Control and served from
1996 to 2004 on the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the NRC and IOM. In
1999, Judge Lederman was awarded a fellowship from ZERO TO THREE: The
National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families in their Leaders of the 21st
Century program. She served as the former president of the National Association of
Women Judges, faculty member of The National Judicial College, and former member
of the American Bar Association House of Delegates. In addition, Judge
Lederman was a 6-year member of the Board of Trustees of the National Council of
Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
Judge Lederman graduated with high honors from the University of Florida in
1976 and with departmental honors in Political Science, and received her Juris Doctor
degree from the University of Miami School of Law in 1979. She is licensed to practice
law in the states of Florida and New York.