Tracy Gray, Ph.D.
Tracy Gray, Ph.D., Managing Director at the American Institutes for Research,
directs the Center for STEM Education and Innovation. She leads PowerUp WHAT
WORKS, an innovative online learning platform that provides tools and resources to
strengthen teaching and learning enhanced by technology for struggling learners.
She led two additional projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office
of Special Education Programs, National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI)
and the Center for Technology Implementation in Education (CITEd). Dr. Gray
has authored numerous publications and recently coedited Breakthrough Teaching
and Learning: How Educational and Assistive Technologies Are Driving Innovation
(Springer, 2011), with Dr. Heidi Silver Pacuilla. Dr. Gray was a vice president for the
Morino Institutes, where she led the Youth Learn initiative. She was the first chief
operating officer and acting deputy director for the Corporation for National and
Community Service, which launched Americorps. She received her Ph.D. and M.A.
from Stanford University. Dr. Gray lives with her husband in Washington, D.C., and
is the mother of two daughters.