Alise Brann, Ed.S.
p>Alise Brann, Ed.S., Research Analyst at AIR, has more than a decade of experience
in educational and assistive technology. Her current project for the Center
for Technology Implementation is PowerUp WHAT WORKS, which focuses on
advancing teaching and learning through technology in inclusive classrooms. She
has written several online articles including, “Students with Disabilities in Charter
Schools,” “Using Technology to Support Struggling Students in Science,” “Captioned
Media: Literacy Support for Diverse Learners,” an “Ask the Tech Expert” column,
and a chapter in Breakthrough Teaching and Learning: How Educational and Assistive
Technologies Are Driving Innovation (Gray & Silver-Paculla, eds., Springer, 2011).
She received her Ed.S. in assistive technology and her M.S. Ed. in special education
from Simmons College in Boston.