Monica Adler Werner, M.A.

Monica Adler Werner, M.A.

Monica Adler Werner, M.A.

Monica Adler Werner, LCPC, is a Program Director for Development, Training and Consulting at The Ivymount School and parent coach in the Washington, D.C., area. Prior to that she was the director of the Model Asperger Program (MAP) at The Ivymount School. In that capacity, she has spearheaded the development of a social learning curriculum that emphasizes problem solving, self-advocacy and self-regulation while keeping students on track academically. She is a coauthor of the first edition of Unstuck and On Target! (Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2011) and Solving Executive Function Challenges: Simple Ways to Get Kids with Autism Unstuck and on Target (Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., 2014). She is the coauthor of numerous papers and posters about working with children with Asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism. Prior to joining The Ivymount School staff, Ms. Werner co-founded of Take2 Summer Camp, a program designed to pilot the application of evidence-based social skills programs. Ms. Werner has an undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University. She has completed the coursework for her Board Certified Behavior Analyst certification.

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