The Educator's Guide for Equity-Focused Transition Planning
Universal Design for Transition
For students with disabilities from historically marginalized backgrounds, inequities in education and support services often lead to negative post-school outcomes. Promote successful adult lives for all students with disabilities—including historically marginalized culturally and linguistically diverse learners—with the new edition of this guide to the universal design for transition (UDT) framework.
Contains Companion Materials
56023 978-1-68125-602-3
2024 280
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For students with disabilities from historically marginalized backgrounds, inequities in education and support services often lead to negative post-school outcomes. Promote successful adult lives for all students with disabilities—including historically marginalized culturally and linguistically diverse learners—with the new edition of this guide to the universal design for transition (UDT) framework.

Like the popular first edition, this important text prepares teachers, transition coordinators, and principals of Grades 6–12 to apply the principles of universal design for learning to transition planning for all learners with disabilities. This reimagined guide adds an equity lens, so that educators can understand the needs of historically marginalized racially and ethnically diverse students and create culturally responsive and sustaining instruction, supports, and services as students approach transition age. Practical tips, examples, and downloadable tools help teachers apply the UDT framework successfully, and the voices of experienced educators provide guidance and insight throughout. Equally useful as a textbook and an in-service resource, this new edition will get educators ready to help all students with disabilities build fulfilling adult lives that reflect their goals and dreams.


  • Reduce student opportunity gaps related to academic achievement and transition planning
  • Incorporate the rich cultural heritage of historically marginalized students when planning their academic and transition curriculum
  • Master the components of UDT, including multiple means of assessment, student self-determination, multiple life domains, and use of multiple resources and perspectives when making decisions
  • Prepare students for key aspects of adult life: employment, postsecondary education, community living, and social inclusion and engagement
  • Create culturally sustaining IEPs that honor the complexities of diverse students and families
  • Promote equitable access to and use of technology with a UDT approach


  • New focus on culturally responsive practices and supports
  • Updated research throughout
  • New and expanded coverage of key topics such as community living options, use of technology and multimedia resources, and weaving social outlets and leisure activities into UDT
  • All-new examples, resources, teaching tips, vignettes, and case studies

Culturally Sustaining UDT: Overview and Components

1 UDT to Provide Culturally Competent Academic and Transition Instruction

Chapter 2: Assessment

Appendix: Transition Assessment Resources

Chapter 3: Student Self-Determination

Chapter 4: Stakeholder Collaboration

II Culturally Sustaining UDT Across Domains

Chapter 5: Employment Supports

Chapter 6: Postsecondary Education

Chapter 7: Community Living

Chapter 8: Social Inclusion and Engagement

III Culturally Sustaining UDT Planning: Implementation

Chapter 9: Individualized Education Planning

Chapter 10: Embedding Technology Using an Equity Literacy Framework

Chapter 11: Tying It Together: Implementing a UDT Framework



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Richard Luecking, Ed.D., University of Maryland, Center for Transition and Career Innovation - January 11, 2024

This excellent practical resource adds to the Universal Design for Transition approach by focusing on culturally responsive teaching and learning. Its presentation of effective strategies is laced with case studies and the perspectives of experienced educators.

This title has additional materials available on the Brookes Download Hub.

Reflection activities and questions, real-world examples, resource lists, and downloadable planning tools.