About the Downloads
About the Authors
About the Contributors
Letter to the Reader
Section I Setting the Stage
Chapter 1: Then and Now: The History and Theoretical Framework of the Pyramid Model
Julia Sayles, Kelli McDermott, and Neal Horen
Chapter 2: Infant Mental Health: A brief history, theoretical foundations, and core concepts
Kimberly P. Diamond-Berry, Lana Shklyar Nenide, and Nichole Paradis
Chapter 3: Creating state-wide systems that support the integration of Infant Mental Health and Pyramid Model
Neal Horen and Thomas Rendon
Section II Reflective Practitioner
Chapter 4: Professional Formation in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and the Pyramid Model: Ways of Knowing, Doing and Being
Gerard Costa
Chapter 5: Understanding Stress and Regulation with the “Brain in Mind”
Corinne G. Catalano and Gerard Costa
Chapter 6: The Age of the Reflective Practitioner: An Integrated Approach to Building Professional Capacity through Competencies, Reflective Supervision and Endorsement
Faith Eidson, Harleen Hutchinson, and Ashley McCormick
Chapter 7: Reflective Leadership: Transformation from the Inside Out
Rebecca Parlakian and Lynette Aytch
Chapter 8: Pyramid Model: Reflective Coaching and Early Intervention Teams
Kate Sweeney and Margo Candelaria
Section III Family, Community, & Culture
Chapter 9: Holding Families so They Can Hold their Babies: Implementing PIWI Framework with IMH in Mind
Lana Shklyar Nenide and Staci Sontoski
Chapter 10: Data-informed Decision-making in Working with Infants, Children and Families
Margo Candelaria and Kate Sweeney
Chapter 11: Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children and Families: A Relational, Racial Equity and Social Justice Framework
Carmen Rosa Noroña and Nucha Isarowong
Section IV Putting it Into Action
Chapter 12: Getting Acquainted with Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Neal Horen, Jordana Ash, and Brandy Fox
Chapter 13: Challenging Behaviors and Meaning Making
Keri Giordano and Julie Betchkal
Chapter 14: The Twain Shall Meet: Developmental-Relational Care as Common Ground
Jayne Singer
Chapter 15: Integration of a Trauma Informed Approach
Amy Hunter, Neal M. Horen, and Kristin Tenney-Blackwell
Chapter 16: It All Comes Down to Implementation: Stories of Integration of the Frameworks of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and the Pyramid Model in New Jersey
Kaitlin Mulcahy, Lindsay Pearson, and Jean Budd