Connecting Principles and Practices to Improve Outcomes
Uniting Infant Mental Health and the Pyramid Model
Early Childhood

Infant Mental Health (IMH) and the Pyramid Model (PM) are two frameworks with an important common goal: supporting the mental health and social-emotional well-being of infants, young children and their families. For the first time ever, one book integrates these two frameworks to create a more effective, knowledgeable, and responsive early childhood workforce.

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Infant Mental Health (IMH) and the Pyramid Model (PM) are two frameworks with an important common goal: supporting the mental health and social-emotional well-being of infants, young children and their families. For the first time ever, one book integrates these two frameworks to create a more effective, knowledgeable, and responsive early childhood workforce.

Developed by a team of visionary early childhood experts, this timely book debunks misunderstandings around IMH and PM and clearly illustrates how these two approaches can combine to support better outcomes for children and families. This book reviews the core concepts of both approaches and explores how integrating them can help programs and professionals:

  • Strengthen professional development by implementing an integrated reflective practice approach
  • Work effectively for diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice
  • Use a trauma-informed approach to support healing in young children and families
  • Apply evidence-based strategies to address behaviors that parents and teachers find challenging
  • Act as both “stress detective” and co-regulator when children are dysregulated
  • Understand and respond to children’s needs rooted in multidisciplinary perspectives
  • Increase parental confidence and strengthen the parent–child relationship
  • Enhance data-informed decision-making
  • Use the best of mental health consultation and Pyramid Model coaching to meet infants’ and young children’s needs

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Get how-to guidance on blending these frameworks, authentic examples and case studies that illustrate effective practices, and dozens of online support materials (available on the Brookes Download Hub).

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About the Authors

About the Contributors


Letter to the Reader




Section I         Setting the Stage

Chapter 1: Then and Now: The History and Theoretical Framework of the Pyramid Model

Julia Sayles, Kelli McDermott, and Neal Horen


Chapter 2: Infant Mental Health: A brief history, theoretical foundations, and core concepts

Kimberly P. Diamond-Berry, Lana Shklyar Nenide, and Nichole Paradis


Chapter 3: Creating state-wide systems that support the integration of Infant Mental Health and Pyramid Model

Neal Horen and Thomas Rendon


Section II        Reflective Practitioner

Chapter 4: Professional Formation in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and the Pyramid Model: Ways of Knowing, Doing and Being

Gerard Costa


Chapter 5: Understanding Stress and Regulation with the “Brain in Mind”

Corinne G. Catalano and Gerard Costa


Chapter 6: The Age of the Reflective Practitioner: An Integrated Approach to Building Professional Capacity through Competencies, Reflective Supervision and Endorsement

Faith Eidson, Harleen Hutchinson, and Ashley McCormick


Chapter 7: Reflective Leadership: Transformation from the Inside Out

Rebecca Parlakian and Lynette Aytch


Chapter 8: Pyramid Model: Reflective Coaching and Early Intervention Teams

Kate Sweeney and Margo Candelaria


Section III      Family, Community, & Culture

Chapter 9: Holding Families so They Can Hold their Babies: Implementing PIWI Framework with IMH in Mind

Lana Shklyar Nenide and Staci Sontoski


Chapter 10: Data-informed Decision-making in Working with Infants, Children and Families

Margo Candelaria and Kate Sweeney


Chapter 11: Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children and Families: A Relational, Racial Equity and Social Justice Framework

Carmen Rosa Noroña and Nucha Isarowong


Section IV      Putting it Into Action

Chapter 12: Getting Acquainted with Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation 

Neal Horen, Jordana Ash, and Brandy Fox


Chapter 13: Challenging Behaviors and Meaning Making

Keri Giordano and Julie Betchkal


Chapter 14: The Twain Shall Meet: Developmental-Relational Care as Common Ground

Jayne Singer


Chapter 15: Integration of a Trauma Informed Approach

Amy Hunter, Neal M. Horen, and Kristin Tenney-Blackwell


Chapter 16: It All Comes Down to Implementation: Stories of Integration of the Frameworks of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and the Pyramid Model in New Jersey

Kaitlin Mulcahy, Lindsay Pearson, and Jean Budd




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