About the Online Materials
About the Authors
Foreword by Guadalupe Valdés, Ph.D.
Section I: Dynamic Bilingualism at School
Chapter 1: Translanguaging Classrooms: Contexts and Instructional Purposes
Chapter 2: Translanguaging Classrooms: Transformative Social Purposes
Chapter 3: Language Practices and the Translanguaging Classroom Framework
Chapter 4: Observing, Documenting, and Understanding Students’ Translanguaging Performances
Appendix 4.1: Promoting An Ecology of Multilingualism Checklist
Appendix 4.2: Bilingual Student Identification Checklist and Profile
Appendix 4.3: Classroom Bilingual Profile
Section II: Translanguaging Pedagogy
Chapter 5: Translanguaging Stance
Chapter 6: Translanguaging Design for Instruction: The Classroom Space and Instructional Framework
Appendix 6.1: Translanguaging Unit Planning Template
Appendix 6.2: Translanguaging Instructional Design Cycle
Chapter 7: Translanguaging Design for Instruction: Pedagogical Practices that Make Space for and Leverage Translanguaging
Chapter 8: Translanguaging Design in Assessment
Appendix 8.1: Teacher’s Assessment Tool for Translanguaging Classrooms
Appendix 8.2: Student Self-Assessment Tool
Appendix 8.3: Peer Group Assessment Tool
Appendix 8.4: Family Assessment Tool: La Conexión
Appendix 8.5: Teacher’s Integrative Class Assessment Tool
Chapter 9: Translanguaging Pedagogy in Action
Appendix 9.1: Reflecting And Planning for a Translanguaging Pedagogy
Section III: Reimagining Teaching and Learning Through Translanguaging
Chapter 10: Standards in the Translanguaging Classroom
Chapter 11: Developing Literacies in the Translanguaging Classroom
Chapter 12: Biliteracy in the Translanguaging Classroom
Chapter 13: Socioemotional Well-Being and Social Justice
Afterword by Nelson Flores, Ph.D.