The Self-Assessment and Program Review for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SAPR-PBIS™)
72513 978-1-59857-251-3
2012 28
Available Stock

For all K-12 students and staff to benefit from positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), effective, evidence-based practices need to be in place schoolwide. Now there's a valid and reliable tool that checks the effectiveness of your whole school's PBIS efforts—without any need for an outside evaluator. SAPR™-PBIS is the most efficient, comprehensive way to compare your current PBIS efforts with evidence-based practices and benchmarks. Six to ten team members from your school fill out individual self-assessments, rating themselves on key building blocks of successful PBIS. Then your whole team comes together to discuss results, set clear goals for improvement, and assess progress.

Proven in pilot studies to improve students' social outcomes and staff satisfaction, SAPR™-PBIS gives your team the critical information you need to

  • Strengthen all three tiers of schoolwide PBIS
  • Link assessment results with step-by-step, evidence-based action items
  • Boost teamwork and build consensus
  • Track progress toward your PBIS goals
  • Troubleshoot stalled progress toward goals
  • Reduce time spent managing behavior issues

With this highly reliable, easy-to-use tool, you can be confident that your school is implementing evidence-based PBIS practices that help improve all students' social and academic outcomes.

SAPR™-PBIS At A Glance

What it does: Helps your team evaluate the effectiveness of schoolwide PBIS efforts
Grade range: K-12
When it's conducted: Twice a year (fall and spring)
Areas screened: 10 building blocks of PBIS, from functional behavior assessments to partnerships with families
Who completes and scores it: 6-10 team members from your school (administrator, school psychologist, counselor, special and general education teachers, and paraprofessionals)
Time to complete: 30 minutes for individual self-assessment forms; 60-90 minutes for team form (completed during a team meeting)
Scores provided: Overall ratings in 10 key areas to identify 3 or more priorities for improvement
Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced? Yes
Standardization sample: 23 schools, with 150 individual staff members
Components: Manual and tool

This product is sold in a package of 10.

Purchase both the Manual and the Tool for complete implementation of SAPR™-PBIS


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