: PsycCRITIQUES (APA) - November 2, 2012
"...Highly recommended reading. The editor and her collaborators must be congratulated for this significant contribution. The updated and well-integrated review of the research data on internationally adopted children is one of the book's unquestionable assets. The practical contents relevant to the postadoption clinical practice with useful referral indicators, illustrated with case studies, is another strong point and no doubt the most innovative aspect of the book."
Patton Tabors, Author, One Child, Two Languages, Second Edition - September 19, 2011
"Anyone seeking guidance and suggestions for intervention with an internationally adopted child will find this volume an invaluable resource."
Mary Jo Noonan, Professor of Special Education, University of Hawaii; mother of two internationally adopted children - August 21, 2011
"An honest and empirical review of the development and status of children who were adopted internationally . . . [The authors] provide an objective look at the actual effects of institutionalization, the developmental needs of some of the children, and the amazing resilience found in most of the children!"