Randi Albertsen, Innovations in Education, LLC - January 9, 2014
“SEAM offers many opportunities for providers or programs to develop workshops for caregivers to help model and support social-emotional development.”
Tracey Sparrow, Milwaukee Center for Independence - January 6, 2014
“A wonderful tool for caregivers and professionals to use to identify a child’s developmental strengths and focus areas, in order to best support the family.”
Hiram Fitzgerald, Editor-in-Chief, Infant Mental Health Journal; University Distinguished Professor, Psychology, Michigan State University - January 6, 2014
“Authentically reflect[s] systems concepts, developmental transitions, and cultural contexts as foundational for understanding the dynamic processes and relationships of early childhood. Structuring the SEAM to be equally useful for home visitors, clinicians, and researchers sets a standard for applying the core values of translational science in the field of early childhood assessment.”
Renee Williams, Program Manager, Daybreak Parent Child Centre, Family Home Visitation Program - January 6, 2014
“The SEAM tool will help our staff focus on the specific goals of families and help parents articulate their own strengths. The language used in the SEAM is solution-focused and strengths-based, and this is key to working with children and families.”
Judith Carta, Senior Scientist and Professor, Institute for Life-Span Studies/Department of Special Education, University of Kansas - January 6, 2014
“An incredibly helpful resource to assist in the early identification and prevention of social-emotional difficulties in infants, toddlers and preschool children.”