Stefi Rubin, Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services - October 6, 2010
"Dicker brings an invaluable and unique point of view as someone attuned to the complexities of bureaucracies and to the moral responsibilty to faithfully enact laws that protect the rights of young children. Her tenacity exemplifies what life-long commitment to social justice looks like ... an enlightening book, surely to be recognized as the seminal text on this issue."
James Cox, The Midwest Book Review Social Issues Shelf - September 8, 2009
"A must read for anyone who wants to be prepared to face off against the bureaucratic and legal gauntlet of child welfare services."
Judge Leonard Edwards, Judge-in-Residence, California Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, San Francisco, CA - March 30, 2009
"A powerful statement on why we must take much better care of our most vulnerable children—the infants who come to the attention of our child welfare agencies and juvenile courts. Using true stories that demonstrate successful and unsuccessful community responses . . . Ms. Dicker points the way to better outcomes for these children.""
Robert Schwartz, Executive Director, Juvenile Law Center, Philadelphia, PA - March 30, 2009
"Draws on the latest research, rich case studies, and Dicker's years of experience to show the field how it can meet the health care needs of young children who have suffered in systems that are supposed to help them."
Susan Chinitz, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - March 13, 2009
"Provides a compelling review of the multiple risks and adversities traversed by infants and young children in the child welfare system, an inspirational vision of the outcomes that can be achieved by improved policies and practices, and a roadmap for getting there."
Joy Osofsky, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - March 13, 2009
"Eloquently expresses the need to raise awareness about the needs of young children in the child welfare system and provides an important message of prevention and early intervention."
Dan Hughes, Psychologist and author of Building the Bonds of Attachment, Second Edition, and Attachment-Focused Family Therapy, Quittie Glen Center for Mental Health, Annville, Pennsylvania - February 19, 2009
"Comprehensive and valuable . . . well documents the scope of the problem as well as the current research and laws in place that can be utilized in addressing this ongoing and complex national crisis."