A Multisensory Approach to Language-Based Comprehension Instruction
Ready to Read
Solve students' struggles with reading comprehension through the popular multisensory teaching approach. This concise, accessible guide prepares elementary educators to use this type of differentiated instruction as they teach the skills that form comprehension.
70519 978-1-59857-051-9
2010 120
Available Stock
Comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading: it makes learning possible and determines students' long-term success across all academic subjects. But for many children with reading disability, comprehension doesn't happen easily—they need explicit instruction to master this skill. That's why general and special education teachers need this book. A concise, highly accessible text, it's the first to provide guidelines for basing comprehension instruction on students' language ability and to use the popular multisensory teaching approach to help educators teach comprehension skills in ways that complement each child's learning styles.

Pre- and inservice general and special educators will discover the keys to teaching the high-level reading skills that come together to form comprehension—vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and listening comprehension. For each of these critical skills, teachers will get a clear explanation of what the skill is, how it develops, and how it contributes to reading success. Then they'll learn how to differentiate instruction based on students' language abilities and use effective multisensory adaptations to help students meet key literacy goals, such as

  • increasing vocabulary
  • understanding prefixes and suffixes
  • comprehending complex sentences
  • monitoring and repairing breakdowns in sentence comprehension
  • sharpening inferential skills during reading
  • retelling a structured story
  • understanding cause and effect relationships
  • and more

To demonstrate how to differentiate instruction for students with reading disability having a range of language abilities, the book follows case histories of three students with different learning challenges and shows teachers how to adapt instruction to meet diverse needs. Educators will also get helpful recommendations for conducting formal and informal assessment of student progress in each skill area.

A straightforward, reader-friendly guide to teaching comprehension, this book prepares teachers for one of their most important tasks—helping all their students make the critical leap from "learning to read" to "reading to learn."

About the Authors

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Language
Chapter 3. Vocabulary
Chapter 4. Morphology
Chapter 5. Syntax and Sentence Comprehension
Chapter 6. Listening and Reading Comprehension

Appendix A:

Pertinent Formal Test Results
Pertinent Formal Test Results for Billy
Pertinent Formal Test Results for Cindy
Pertinent Formal Test Results for Jim
Appendix B:

Informal Reading Comprehension Test
Self-Assessment of Reading Comprehension Strategies
Story Map
Questions for Narrative and Expository Passages
Appendix C

Glossary for Comprehension


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: The Midwest Book Review - California Bookwatch - July 1, 2011
"Both general and special education teachers will find this packed with keys to explaining how a skill develops and how to tailor instruction based on a student's langauge abilities."
G. Emerson Dickman, Immediate Past President, International Dyslexia Association - May 14, 2010
"Easy to read, understand, and apply, this work provides a practical approach to responding to the literacy problems most commonly encountered in the classroom. Farrell and Mathews lead us across the bridge from research to practice."
Jean Schedler, Schedler Educational Consulting - May 14, 2010
"This text is absolutely needed . . . will fill a huge gap in my workshops [and] truly give our teachers of struggling readers something to 'sink their teeth into' and make a difference with their students."
Eileen S. Marzola, Education Consultant; contributing author, Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Second Edition; Immediate Past President, NY Branch of the International Dyslexia Association - May 14, 2010
"A much needed, comprehensive resource for teachers striving to address the underlying language weaknesses of students who struggle with reading comprehension . . . an extremely valuable tool for planning and implementing targeted interventions."
Judith R. Birsh, editor, Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Second Edition - May 14, 2010
"Looking through the powerful lens of differentiated levels of language development in three older students with learning disabilities, Farrell and Matthews deliver research-based guidelines and effective remedial approaches for improving both the content and processes of comprehension instruction."
David C. Winters, Department Head, Department of Special Education, Eastern Michigan University - May 14, 2010
"By focusing on three students in three educational placements, Farrell and Matthews have given us a book that truly moves from research to practice . . . The clear, concrete, and practical examples of differentiated instruction make this book a 'must have' for every teacher in today's inclusive classrooms."
Gordon F. Sherman, Executive Director, Newgrange School and Education Center, Princeton, New Jersey - May 14, 2010
"Reminds us that although a multiplicity of neuro-environmental factors contribute to successful reading acquisition, educators armed with solid knowledge and effective approaches can make a big difference. Read the book; your students will benefit!"
Paul F. Barbato, Director of Special Services, Dumont Public Schools, Dervitz Education Center, Dumont, New Jersey - May 14, 2010
"This book is a definite must-have road map to improving a student's academic achievement and functional performance."
Nancy Hennessy, Former President, International Dyslexia Association; educational consultant; co-author, LETRS Module 6: Digging for Meaning: Teaching Text Comprehension - May 14, 2010
"Extremely valuable . . . provides insights into critical contributors to reading comprehension while identifying accompanying assessment and instructional activities that are differentiated based on individual profiles of students with reading disabilities."