November 15, 2024 Virtual ASQ® Online Hands-On Learning Session

Led by an experienced and engaging Implementation Specialist, you’ll learn how to effectively and efficiently use ASQ Online!

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Led by an experienced and engaging Implementation Specialist, you’ll learn how to effectively and efficiently use ASQ Online!

This hands-on, activity-driven session will cover how to

  • set up an account—understanding system roles, entering account information, entering keycodes, adding users, adjusting user permissions, creating custom fields, importing and exporting data
  • manage participant data—setting up child and caregiver profiles, searching for individual child records, setting reminders and follow up tasks
  • manage screenings—adding screening results, scoring and reviewing results, tracking future screenings
  • communicate with families—printing and customizing documents, creating mail-out campaigns, sharing follow-up activities
  • use Family Access—customizing your webpage, sharing the URL with parents, reviewing and accepting completed screens
  • use reports—understanding the 20+ available reports, running reports, determine best report to analyze data and discover trends
  • use support—learn how to make the best use of the help system to find answers and locate available resources


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