Language Development, Interventions, and Outcomes
Late Talkers
Communication and Language
With contributions by more than 25 of today's leading scholars on late language emergence
72537 978-1-59857-253-7
2013 416
Available Stock

What does the research tell us about late talkers, and what are the key implications for clinical practice? Discover the latest findings in this important volume, a comprehensive survey of 30+ years of research about young children with delayed expressive language. More than 25 top researchers explore the causes and characteristics of late language emergence, long-term outcomes for late talkers, effective intervention approaches, and future directions for new research studies. An essential addition to the literature on language development!

  • Effects of late language emergence on outcomes later in life
  • Accurate identification of late talkers among bilingual children
  • How to recognize when late talking indicates significant risk for developmental disability
  • Real-time spoken language understanding as an early predictor of later language outcomes
  • Evidence-based language intervention approaches for late-talking toddlers
  • The relationship between phonology and lexical development in late talkers
  • Prevalence, predictors, and causes of late language emergence
  • Parent-implemented language intervention programs
  • How to match interventions to a child's individual characteristics
  • and more
Series Preface
Editorial Advisory Board
About the Editors
About the Contributors

I Identification and Classification of Late Talkers
  1. The Early Language in Victoria Study: Late Talkers, Predictors, and Outcomes
    Edith L. Bavin and Lesley Bretherton
  2. Population and Public Health Perspectives on Late Language Emergence at 24 Months as a Risk Indicator for Language Impairment at 7 Years
    Catherine L. Taylor, Stephen R. Zubrick, and Mabel L. Rice
  3. Danish Late Talkers: A First Portrait
    Dorthe Bleses and Werner Vach
  4. Distinguishing the Bilingual as a Late Talker from the Late Talker Who Is Bilingual
    Barbara Zurer Pearson
II Characteristics and Causes
  1. Late Talker as a Clinical Category: A Critical Evaluation
    Christine Dollaghan
  2. Phonology and the Lexicon in Late Talkers
    Michelle MacRoy-Higgins and Richard G. Schwartz
  3. Using Fluency to Measure Formulation Effort in Late Talkers
    Nan Bernstein Ratner
  4. Variability in Real-Time Spoken Language Processing in Typically Developing and Late-Talking Toddlers
    Virginia A. Marchman and Anne Fernald
III Longitudinal Course/Outcomes
  1. Late-Talking Toddlers: Characterization and Prediction of Continued Delay Donna J. Thal, Virginia A. Marchman, and J. Bruce Tomblin
  2. Late Talking in Context: The Clinical Implications of Delayed Language Development
    Rhea Paul and Susan Ellis Weismer
  3. Late-Talking Toddlers: A 15-Year Follow-Up
    Leslie A. Rescorla
  4. Outcomes for Late Talkers: A Twin Study
    Philip S. Dale and Marianna E. Hayiou-Thomas
IV Interventions
  1. From Words to Early Sentences: Parent-Implemented Intervention for Late-Talking Toddlers
    Luigi Girolametto, Elaine Weitzman, and Cindy Earle
  2. Evidence-Based Language Intervention Approaches for Young Late Talkers
    Lizbeth H. Finestack and Marc E. Fey
  3. Which Late Talkers Require Intervention? Matching Child Characteristics and Risk Factors to Treatment
    Stephen Camarata
  4. Environmental Modification, Intervention, and the Late-Talking Child from a Public Health Perspective
    James Law
V Conclusion
  1. Alternative Routes to Language Impairment
    Laurence B. Leonard
  2. Where Do We Stand Now? Conclusions and Future Directions
    Leslie A. Rescorla and Philip S. Dale



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Rebecca McCauley, Professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Science, The Ohio State University - April 29, 2013
“A volume that can uniquely enrich readers' understanding of the large and complex research literature that now exists on late talkers.”
Laura Justice, EHE Distinguished Professor, Executive Director, Children's Learning Research Collaborative - April 24, 2013
“A state-of-the-art examination of theory, research, and practice . . . Leading experts tackle topics ranging from diagnosis to development to intervention.”
Larry Fenson, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, San Diego State University - April 9, 2013
“An expertly edited set of original papers by recognized authorities on late talkers . . . an indispensable up-to-date guide to identification, etiology, prognosis, and intervention.”