... & Literacy Development blog series. Stay tuned for more posts in the series! When you design early literacy environments that meet the needs of children with disabilities, all children benefit. In today’s post, we’re sharing some simple ways to ensure literacy-rich preschool classrooms...
... school literacy teachers Deliver literacy instruction that meets the needs of all learners—in one 50-minute class period. Say you’ve done the groundwork already. You’re up to your ears in reading assessment data, and you have a solid handle on what kind of support each...
... structured literacy instruction to prepare students for reading success. We partner with some of today’s most celebrated experts—including Speech to Print author Louisa Cook Moats, Ed.D.—to bring you the best resources on aligning your teaching with the science of reading. Excerpted from the third edition...
... evidence-based literacy instruction, how can you fine-tune your teaching and make it the best it can be? Today’s post offers 10 ideas for refining your instruction, excerpted and lightly adapted from the third edition of Speech to Print by Louisa Cook Moats, Ed.D. *** High-quality instruction in language and...
... National Literacy Month, so what better time to try some fresh ideas for helping students with support needs strengthen their literacy skills? Today we’re sharing some easy, ready-to-use tips for modifying reading and writing classwork for students with a wide range of disabilities and learning needs....
What’s the best way to engage multilingual learners and promote their language development? Using interventions that make the most of their home language while promoting English language learning is key, and today’s post offers 40+ ideas to try in your own classroom. Adapted from the book Special...
How can you encourage children’s language development, from their first baby babbles to their first years of school? It’s a question on the minds of parents and teachers of all young learners, regardless of background or disability. Today I’m excited to bring you a terrific free...
... language and literacy instruction for students....
... curriculum. Literacy Literacy skills taught in early []...
... learn literacy skills, but teachers often have questions about how to teach and include students with more intensive support needs or significant disabilities. Excerpted and lightly adapted from their book Comprehensive Literacy for All, today’s post shares some helpful insights from experts Karen Erickson...
... Comprehensive Literacy for All, written by Karen Erickson & David Koppenhaver. Today we’ll be looking at a few key findings from this innovative, forward-thinking book, which fully explores how to provide comprehensive, high-quality literacy instruction to students with significant disabilities....
... language and literacy skills, from preplanned dramatic play []...
... language and literacy skills take []...
*Today’s post has been adapted from the chapter “Using Standards to Guide Instruction” by Karin K. Hess, in Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction & Assessment, Pre-K–6, Second Edition, edited by Martha C. Hougen & Susan M. Smartt, with invited contributors Today in education, it’s not possible...
... development and literacy in multilingual learners, especially those who are having academic difficulties? Today’s post outlines 9 key ideas, adapted from Special Education Considerations for Multilingual Learners by Else Hamayan, Barbara Marler, Cristina Sánchez-López, & Jack Damico. If your school hasn’t...
... language and literacy skills. Today’s blog post brings you 11 creative activities early educators can use to teach new vocabulary words, reinforce correct grammar constructions, and encourage talk with teachers and peers. Adapted from classic Brookes books, these critter-centric []...
... structured literacy and the science of reading in the classroom). We also keep up with the latest news and developments on this critical topic, and today we’re bringing you some must-reads (plus a []...
... support literacy skills for all learners in an inclusive early childhood classroom? The Building Blocks framework can help, and today’s post gives you some practical tips that show how. Building Blocks is a framework developed by Susan Sandall, & Ilene Schwartz and outlined in their book, Building...
... language and literacy skills. Children who hear more words and are exposed to more language games and activities will be better prepared for reading success–and today’s post gives teachers a bevy of bright []...
... promote literacy and learning skills. In her new book, Story Frames for Teaching Literacy, author Carolee Dean offers in-depth guidance on how to use []...
... ideas for literacy supports and adaptations, from the book Effective Literacy Instruction for Learners with Complex Support Needs, Second Edition. While these adaptations are recommended for individuals with more specific support needs, many of your other []...