: Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders - September 1, 2009
"Parents of children on the spectrum will find a treasure-trove of helpful ideas...[and] professionals will find this an invaluable reference guide when working with families."
: ADVANCE for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants - May 1, 2009
"[Dr. Thompson] has a direct understanding of the challenges presented to families, which is refreshing to parents who often struggle to find a truly understanding ear."
: Columbus Parent Magazine - April 1, 2009
: NADD Bulletin - July 25, 2008
"Well crafted….Recommended for care providers, as well as professionals involved with the care of persons with ASDs."
: Pacesetter - June 15, 2008
"Offers ready-to-use tips and practical strategies to help parents and their children meet the challenges presented by autism."
: Metro Spirit - June 4, 2008
"Dispelling false tales, providing clinical expertise for many activities, and delivering inspirational as well as practical advice . . . [this is] a guidebook worthy of a celebration."
: Parenting Special Needs - June 4, 2008
"A clear winner ... Very competent and confident."
: Parents' Press - June 1, 2008
"Bring[s] the reader inside the mind of a child [with autism], showing us the how and why of difficult, frustrating behaviors."
Robert Naseef, psychologist; author, Special Children, Challenged Parents; co-editor, Voices from the Spectrum - April 7, 2008
"With clarity and brilliance Dr. Thompson synthesizes what we know, what we don't, and how to deal effectively with the essential challenges in the home and school that are presented by children growing up with autism."
Fred Volkmar, M.D., Director, Child Study Center, and Professor, Yale University School of Medicine - April 7, 2008
"[T]reasure trove of information on autism for parents and teachers alike . . . wonderful."
Samuel L. Odom, Ph.D., Director, FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - April 7, 2008
"If there was one book I could give individuals, especially parents, who had questions about autism, this would be it."
Kammy Norman Kramer - April 7, 2008
"Dr. Travis Thompson has created something amazing. Though my son was diagnosed with PDD-NOS 4 years ago, I felt like for the first time I was able to 'connect' with him through the pages of this book in a way I have never been able to do."
Craig H. Kennedy, Ph.D., BCBA, Chair, Special Education Department, Vanderbilt University - April 7, 2008
"This book provides easily accessible information about autism that is factually accurate and evidence based. A must have for anyone who knows a person with autism."
Douglas And Etta Overland, parents of a son with autism - April 7, 2008
"Points a family in the right direction and presents practical suggestions on what to do. We wish we'd had this book back nearly forty years ago."
Karen Simmons, Founder and CEO, Autism Today; co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Children with Special Needs - April 7, 2008
"A refreshing resource! Dr. Thompson cuts to the chase, highlighting the most relevant facts, stats and straight talk for spectrum issues to date."
Donna Williams, Dip Ed, BA Hons, author of Autism; An Inside Out Approach and The Jumbled Jigsaw; autism consultant and public speaker - April 7, 2008
"An easy-to-follow road map for parents to actively and affordably become involved in bringing up emotionally healthy children with ASD . . . also provides teachers with the frameworks with which to better build inclusive teaching practices."
Susan Moreno, A.B., A.B.S., Founder and President of MAAP Services for the Autism Spectrum; editor, The MAAP; parent of a woman with autism - April 7, 2008
"What sets [Thompson] apart from other brilliant and well-informed authors . . . is his positive attitude, his compassion, and his incredible ability to make complex information seem simple and clear to the average reader."
Ann Turnbull, Beach Center on Disability, University of Kansas - August 14, 2007
"With this book, Travis Thompson wins the "triple crown" for knowledge translation - best available research, state-of-art clinical practice, and family wisdom (as the grandfather of a youngster with autism). His triple crown expertise permeating this book is sure to make quality of life enhancements for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families."