Celebrating Diversity in the Classroom, Second Edition
Cooperative Learning and Strategies for Inclusion
This book reviews the basics of cooperative learning and provides guidance to educators and administrators on adapting curricula and implementing methods such as multilevel instruction.
63467 978-1-55766-346-7
1998 288
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This book supplies educators, classroom support personnel, and administrators with numerous tools for creating positive, inclusive classroom environments for students from preschool through high school.

Reviewing the basics of cooperative learning, the authors explain how to adapt curricula and implement such techniques as multilevel instruction, the Learning Strategies approach, and the use of computer technology. They also offer practical examples of various conceptual and structural strategies that improve the learning, social skills, and self-esteem of children with a range of abilities and cultural backgrounds.

New to this edition: information on conflict resolution, tips for teaching culturally diverse students, additional case studies, results of outcomes research on existing inclusion programs, and a chapter devoted to multiple intelligences.

About the Contributors
Foreword, by Robert E. Slavin
  1. The Movement Toward Teaching and Learning in Inclusive Classrooms
    JoAnne W. Putnam

  2. The Process of Cooperative Learning
    JoAnne W. Putnam

  3. Curricular and Instructional Adaptations for Including Students with Disabilities in Cooperative Groups
    Ann Nevin

  4. Cultural Diversity and Cooperative Learning
    David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson

  5. Supporting Young Children's Development Through Cooperative Activities
    Loraine J. Spenciner and JoAnne W. Putnam

  6. New Cooperative Learning, Multiple Intelligences, and Inclusion
    Spencer Kagan

  7. Participatory Action Research: Supporting Social Relationships in the Cooperative Classroom
    Mary Fisher, Joseph P. Bernazzani, and Luanna H. Meyer

  8. Teaching Students to Manage Conflicts in Diverse Classrooms
    David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson

  9. Computers and Cooperative Learning in Diverse Classrooms
    Mary Male

  10. School Programs for Successful Inclusion of All Students
    Anita Jo Jakupcak

  11. The Inclusive School Model: A Framework and Key Strategies for Success
    Gordon L. Porter and Julie A. Stone


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Volume Editor: JoAnne W. Putnam Ph.D.
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