A Parent-Completed Child Monitoring System
Ages & Stages Questionnaires® in Spanish, Third Edition (ASQ®-3 Spanish)
Early Childhood
These 21 questionnaires provide a low-cost, reliable way to screen infants and young children from Spanish-speaking families for developmental delays or concerns in the first 5 years of life.
Available Translations English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Vietnamese
70038 978-1-59857-003-8
2009 170
Available Stock
ASQ®-3 Questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for developmental delays in the first 5½ years of life. These 21 age-appropriate questionnaires in Spanish (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60 months) effectively screen five key developmental areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving, and personal-social.

Fast and easy to use, ASQ-3 Questionnaires take just 10–15 minutes for parents to complete and 2–3 minutes for professionals to score.

First, parents try each activity on the questionnaire with their child, checking the box that best describes what the child can do. Clear questions, illustrations, and tips help parents complete the questionnaires quickly and accurately. Professionals then record the scores, easily converting parent responses to numbers (Yes = 10, Sometimes = 5, Not Yet = 0). They copy the child's scores to a simple grid that gives an at-a-glance picture of current developmental skills:

  • One or more scores in the grid's dark shaded zone indicate the child may need further assessment.
  • Scores in the light shaded "monitoring" zone help identify children at risk. Professionals can give parents activities to help their child make progress in these areas before the next screening.
  • Scores outside the shaded zones mean the child is doing well in these areas.

ASQ-3 Questionnaires are provided as photocopiable master copies on paper and printable PDF master copies on CD-ROM (both in the same box, so programs will always have the format they want right at their fingertips). Download a sample 16 month Spanish questionnaire and a sample 48 month Spanish questionnaire.

The Questionnaires are part of ASQ-3, the bestselling screener trusted for more than 20 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. Learn more about the complete ASQ-3 system, and discover ASQ®:SE-2, the screener that reliably identifies young children at risk for social or emotional difficulties.

ASQ‐3 in Spanish Product Overview
ASQ‐3 Questionnaires (with family information sheets)
¿Qué es ASQ‐3? (What is ASQ‐3? parent handout)
Hoja postal (mailing sheet)
Hoja para la reunión con los padres (Parent Conference Sheet)
Formulario para monitorear el desarrollo infantil (Child Monitoring Sheet)
ASQ Ordering Guide

CD-ROM Contents
About This CD‐ROM
ASQ‐3 Spanish Questionnaires (with family information sheets)
Intervention Activity Sheets in Spanish
¿Qué es ASQ‐3? (What is ASQ‐3? parent handout)
Hoja postal (mailing sheet)
Hoja para la reunión con los padres (Parent Conference Sheet)
Formulario para monitorear el desarrollo infantil (Child Monitoring Sheet)
About ASQ‐3
About the Authors
ASQ Training
ASQ Ordering Guide
End User License Agreement


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