The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) Set, Research Edition
Early Childhood
A one-of-a-kind tool for classrooms serving children ages 2–5, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) assesses 12 key practices with the strongest research base for supporting the education and development of young children in inclusive programs. This Set includes the ICP™ Manual and one package of ICP forms.
52193 978-1-68125-219-3
2016 104
Available Stock

How well is your early childhood program implementing quality inclusive practices? Now there’s a comprehensive, field-tested observational tool that uncovers the answers. A one-of-a-kind tool for classrooms serving children ages 2–5, the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™) assesses 12 key practices with the strongest research base for supporting the education and development of young children in inclusive programs:

  • Adaptations of Space, Materials, and Equipment
  • Adult Involvement in Peer Interactions
  • Adults' Guidance of Children’s Free-Choice Activities and Play
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Membership
  • Relationships between Adults and Children
  • Support for Communication
  • Adaptation of Group Activities
  • Transitions between Activities
  • Feedback
  • Family-Professional Partnerships
  • Monitoring Children's Learning

The in-depth ICP evaluation process gives you the rich information and insights you need to:

  • assess your program’s current inclusive practices
  • establish a baseline for measuring future progress
  • apply recommended inclusive practices for young children
  • guide quality improvement efforts by linking assessment data with instructional decision-making
  • tailor professional development to teachers' specific needs

This Set includes the ICP Manual and one package of ICP Forms.

The ICP is an observation rating scale designed to assess the quality of daily classroom practices that support the developmental needs of children with disabilities in early childhood settings. Comprehensive assessment with ICP takes about 3½ hours, plus 20 minutes to score. Learn more about ICP here.

View our recorded webinar: Introduction to the Inclusive Classroom Profile presented by Elena Soukakou, Ph.D.

About the Author
Susan L. Recchia and Kathy Sylva

1. Introduction to the Inclusive Classroom Profile
Purpose and Uses of the ICP
Development of the ICP
  • Exploratory Research
  • Conceptualization
  • Item Generation
  • Expert Review
  • Research on Reliability and Validity of the ICP
    Using the ICP to Support Quality Improvement

    2. Structure of the ICP
    ICP Items
    ITEM 1: Adaptations of Space, Materials, and Equipment
    ITEM 2: Adult Involvement in Peer Interactions
    ITEM 3: Adults' Guidance on Children's Free: Choice Activities and play
    ITEM 4: Conflict Resolution
    ITEM 5: Membership
    ITEM 6: Relationships between Adults and Children
    ITEM 7: Support for Communication
    ITEM 8: Adaptation of Group Activities
    ITEM 9: Transitions between Activities
    ITEM 10: Feedback
    ITEM 11: Family-Professional Partnerships
    ITEM 12: Monitoring Children's Learning

    3. Administration of the ICP
    Observation Focus
    Place and Duration of Assessment
    Preparing for an ICP Assessment
    The Classroom Observation
    The Interview and Documentation Review

    4. Scoring the ICP
    General Scoring Guidelines
    The ICP Score Sheet
    Specific Scoring Considerations
    Interpreting and Sharing Ratings from an ICP Assessment

    Frequently Asked Questions


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    Ilene Schwartz, Professor of Special Education, University of Washington, Director, Haring Center for Inclusive Education - July 6, 2016
    "As practitioners and consumers are moving towards more inclusive programs, the field has not had an instrument to use to evaluate the quality of these environment. The ICP is that tool!"
    Eva Horn, Professor of Special Education, Coordinator of Early Childhood Unified Program, University of Kansas - June 30, 2016
    "An invaluable tool for program directors, early educators, and teacher educators for obtaining an in-depth view of critical practices for implementing high quality inclusion."
    Camille Catlett, Scientist Emerita, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - June 27, 2016
    "The beauty of this tool is the ways in which it underscores quality for each and every child. While the stated intent is to support young children of diverse abilities, the hard look at environments, activities, and instructional supports has implications for many learners who will benefit from individual consideration, including dual language learners, children from diverse cultural contexts, and children who have not had substantial prior educational exposure or experiences. The ICP reminds us of the ways in which we need to pay attention if we wish to support each child's full potential."
    Susan Sandall, Professor, College of Education, University of Washington - June 17, 2016
    "The ICP holds huge potential for guiding program improvement to enhance access, participation and learning for all children. It lays out the practices that adults must use to include every child and ensure that every child is truly a member of the class. The practices are both research-based and attainable."
    Sarika Gupta, Assistant Research Professor, Center for Early Childhood Education and Intervention, University of Maryland - June 10, 2016
    "ICP is a long-awaited resource that encourages educators, professional development providers, and administrators to reflect on how to promote young children with disabilities’ active participation in inclusive early childhood programs. It will help take the guess-work out of how to make decisions that improve program quality."
    Pam Winton, Senior Scientist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute - June 7, 2016
    "Thanks to the ICP, researchers, administrators, policymakers and parents now have an important tool to capture information about the actual implementation of high quality inclusion practices."