More Language Arts, Math, and Science for Students with Severe Disabilities
Special Education

How can educators teach academic content to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities—while helping all students meet Common Core State Standards? This text has answers for K–12 teachers, straight from 37 experts in special and general education

Contains Companion Materials
73176 978-1-59857-317-6
2014 328
Available Stock

How can today's educators teach academic content to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities—while helping all students meet Common Core State Standards? This text has answers for K–12 teachers, straight from 37 experts in special and general education. A followup to the landmark bestseller Teaching Language Arts, Math, and Science to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, this important text prepares teachers to ensure more inclusion, more advanced academic content, and more meaningful learning for their students. Teachers will have the cutting-edge research and recommended practices they need to identify and deliver grade-aligned instructional content—leading to more opportunities and better quality of life for students with severe disabilities.

  • skillfully adapt lessons in language arts, math, and science for students with disabilities
  • align instruction with Common Core State Standards
  • select target skills and goals
  • differentiate instruction using appropriate supports and assistive technologies
  • balance academic goals and functional skills
  • make the most of effective instructional procedures such as peer tutoring, cooperative learning, and co-teaching
  • maintain high expectations for student achievement
  • promote generalization by embedding instruction into ongoing classroom activities
  • assess students' progress and make adjustments to instruction

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Detailed vignettes based on the authors' real-life experiences, teaching examples and guidelines that illustrate recommended practices, helpful figures and tables, resource lists, and suggestions for incorporating technology into teaching and learning.
About the Reproducible Materials
About the Editors
About the Contributors
Foreword Martin Agran

I Greater Access to General Curriculum
  1. More Content, More Learning, More Inclusion
    Diane M. Browder and Fred Spooner
  2. Embedded Instruction in Inclusive Settings
    John McDonnell, J. Mathew Jameson, Timothy Riesen, and Shamby Polychronis
  3. Common Core State Standards Primer for Special Educators
    Shawnee Y. Wakeman and Angel Lee
II Teaching Common Core Language Arts
  1. Passage Comprehension and Read-Alouds
    Leah Wood, Diane M. Browder, and Maryann Mraz
  2. Reading for Students Who Are Nonverbal
    Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell, Pamela J. Mims, and Jean Vintinner
  3. Comprehensive Beginning Reading
    Jill Allor, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Miriam Ortiz, and Jessica Folsom
  4. Teaching Written Expression to Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
    Robert Pennington and Monica Delano
III Teaching Common Core Mathematics and Teaching Science
  1. Beginning Numeracy Skills
    Alicia F. Saunders, Ya-yu Lo, and Drew Polly
  2. Teaching Grade-Aligned Math Skills
    Julie L. Thompson, Keri S. Bethune, Charles L. Wood, and David K. Pugalee
  3. Science as Inquiry
    Bree A. Jimenez and Heidi B. Carlone
  4. 11 Teaching Science Concepts
    Fred Spooner, Bethany R. McKissick, Victoria Knight, and Ryan Walker
IV Alignment of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  1. The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Pieces of the Student Achievement Puzzle
    Rachel Quenemoen, Claudia Flowers, and Ellen Forte
  2. Promoting Learning in General Education for All Students
    Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Jennifer Fischer-Mueller, and Holly Prud'homme
  3. What We Know and Need to Know About Teaching Academic Skills
    Fred Spooner and Diane M. Browder


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Lisa Pufpaff, Ball State University - January 6, 2014
“Will empower teachers of students with significant cognitive impairment in their efforts to build academic engagement.”
Pamela Gent, Professor of Special Education, Clarion University - January 6, 2014
“This book will completely change how students with significant cognitive disabilities are educated. It is clearly the book for the next generation of teachers of students with significant cognitive disabilities.”
Colleen Thoma, Virginia Commonwealth University - January 6, 2014
“Should be required reading for all special educators and especially for anyone who believes that teaching academic content comes at the expense of preparing students with severe disabilities for life after high school. Will be a resource for educators for years to come!”
Clare Papay, Director of Special Education Certification, Arcadia University - January 6, 2014
“An excellent resource for teachers charged with educating students with severe disabilities in the era of Common Core State Standards . . . the authors show how we can and must expect more from students with severe disabilities and the educators who teach them.”
Liz Altieri, Radford University - January 6, 2014
“For those who want to successfully engage their students in meaningful, grade-aligned academic instruction and promote their competence within inclusive educational settings, this is a must-read.”
Martha Thurlow, Director of the National Center on Educational Outcomes - January 2, 2014
“A wonderful roadmap for getting from where we are now to where we want to be: full curriculum access for students with significant cognitive disabilities.”
Harold Kleinert, Executive Director, Human Development Institute - University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Professor, Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kentucky - January 2, 2014
“A wealth of practical, evidence-based strategies for teaching grade-aligned academic content to students with significant cognitive disabilities.”
Dr. Debra Leach, Associate Professor of Special Education, Winthrop University - December 17, 2013
“Provides the rationale, scientific evidence, and practical strategies needed for schools, school districts, states, and the nation to transform the educational experiences of students with moderate to severe disabilities.”
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