Attention, Memory, and Executive Function
Special Education
This book reveals how the authors' findings from their research in psychology, neuropsychology, special education, and medicine can help clinicians assess and remediate reading and attention disorders.
68561 978-1-55766-856-1
1996 448
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The absence of consensual, cross-disciplinary theories, definitions, and methodologies has hampered the study of attention, memory, and executive function. Incorporating different theoretical perspectives, this exceptional volume helps establish some common understanding of these three central processes. This book reveals how the authors' findings from their research in psychology, neuropsychology, special education, and medicine can help clinicians assess and remediate reading and attention disorders. Valuable directions for future research are also offered.

Section I: Introduction to the Conceptual, Measurement, and Methodological Issues

  1. The Need for Conceptual and Theoretical Clarity in the Study of Attention, Memory, and Executive Function
    G. Reid Lyon

  2. Relationships and Distinctions Among the Concepts of Attention, Memory, and Executive Function: A Developmental Perspective
    Robin D. Morris

  3. Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Construct Definition
    Jack M. Fletcher, David J. Francis, Karla K. Stuebing, Bennett A. Shaywitz, Sally E. Shaywitz, Donald P. Shankweiler, Leonard Katz, and Robin D. Morris
Section II: Attention

  1. Critical Issues in Research on Attention
    Russell A. Barkley

  2. A Theory of Attention: An Information Processing Perspective
    Joseph Sergeant

  3. Disorders of Attention: A Neuropsychological Perspective
    Allan F. Mirsky

  4. Attention: A Behavior Analytical Perspective
    William J. McIlvane, William V. Dube, and Thomas D. Callahan

  5. Conceptualizing, Describing, and Measuring Components of Attention: A Summary
    Jeffrey M. Halperin
Section III: Memory

  1. From Simple Structure to Complex Function: Major Trends in the Development of Theories, Models, and Measurements of Memory
    Richard K. Wagner

  2. A Model of Memory from an Information Processing Perspective: The Special Case of Phonological Memory
    Joseph K. Torgesen

  3. Multiple Memory Systems: A Neuropsychological and Developmental Perspective
    Jocelyne Bachevalier, Ludise Malkova, and Mario Beauregard

  4. Attention and Memory in Relation to Learning: A Comparative Adaptation Perspective
    Duane M. Rumbaugh and David A. Washburn

  5. Conceptualizing, Describing, and Measuring Components of Memory: A Summary
    Kimberly Boller
Section IV: Executive Function

  1. Theories, Models, and Measurements of Executive Functioning: An Information Processing Perspective
    John G. Borkowski and Jennifer E. Burke

  2. A Theory and Model of Executive Function: A Neuropsychological Perspective
    Martha Bridge Denckla

  3. Relational Frame Theory and Executive Function: A Behavioral Approach
    Steven C. Hayes, Elizabeth V. Gifford, and L.E. Ruckstuhl, Jr.

  4. Linkages Between Attention and Executive Functions
    Russell A. Barkley

  5. Executive Functions and Working Memory: Theoretical and Measurement Issues
    Bruce F. Pennington, Loisa Bennetto, Owen McAleer, and Ralph J. Roberts, Jr.

  6. Addressing Problems in Attention, Memory, and Executive Functioning: An Example from Self-Regulated Strategy Development
    Steve Graham and Karen R. Harris

  7. Conceptualizing, Describing, and Measuring Components of Executive Function: A Summary
    Paul J. Eslinger
Section V: Summary and Conclusions

  1. Critical Issues and Future Directions in the Development of Theories, Models, and Measurements for Attention, Memory, and Executive Function
    H. Gerry Taylor


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